Go Plantbased

Plant-Based Resources that Changed my Mind

Written by Chantel H

When I started my plant-based lifestyle, I found out that it was a lot harder to live this way than I thought. Eating animal products was so ingrained in my daily habits that it took some time and effort to make the change. I had to research recipes, substitutes, and reasons for me to keep my new lifestyle. It can be easy to return to your old habits, so I find that deepening your knowledge on the topic can help keep you committed. I am not here to be the food police, just a guide, but I do feel that it helps to decide what percentage of animal products you will be eating in the future, or you might not change your lifestyle at all.

Making this decision was a BIG deal for me. In the beginning, I was okay with only living an 80% plant-based lifestyle. It wasn’t until I started gaining more knowledge on the topic that I realized I needed to commit, or I would still be eating animal products regularly. There has been a lot of information and resources that have gone into helping me change my lifestyle to a plant-based one. If you haven’t already read why I initially decided to switch to a plant-based lifestyle, then go ahead and read that here. Now, after months of mind shifts, my family eats entirely plant-based.

These resources are all things that I have personally checked out and felt have helped me to have a greater understanding of the importance of switching to a plant-based lifestyle. Some of the resources take more time to read or watch, but each one has strengthened my resolve to live this way. Let me know if you have other resources that you would add to this list!

1. Doctors: Here is a list of doctors that I have been following and watching their successes at reversing diseases with plant-based lifestyles.

2. Books: I just got started in this section. I already have a whole list to read

3. Documentaries: I know a lot of people that don’t trust the information in documentaries, but I have watched a few of them, and they all support and claim the same things. I would be less likely to believe the information if they were contradicting each other. Here are a few of the documentaries that have helped me gain a better perspective on plant-based lifestyles.

  • Forks over Knives (NETFLIX) I love how the focus of this show is what we were born to eat. Our teeth are proof that we were not made to eat meat. That is the best evidence we have.
  • The Game Changers (NETFLIX) This documentary was very informative. The most compelling information for me was how athletes do better on a plant-based diet. If athletes who already know their limits can perform even better on this lifestyle then it shows me that we all can do better with this lifestyle.
  • What the Health (NETFLIX) Great information and questions to consider for yourself. The interviews were very interesting and I really thought the history lesson about the food pyramid was the most helpful in getting me to do my own research about it.
  • H.O.P.E. Documentary What you eat matters (YOUTUBE – watch below)
This documentary really helped me see how animals are treated. It was very eye opening and gave me even more desire to make a change and help save those animals. Animals have thoughts and feelings and their lives matter too.

4. Videos

This video was definitely worth my time. I loved all the information that he presents. Also his main argument is super compelling to me. “Are your taste buds more important than an animals life?”
I’ve been pondering that question a lot and it pains me to say that it’s taken me so long to realize that my taste buds are not more important than an innocent animals life. He also talks about how it doesn’t matter how humane they say killing the animals is…. killing will always be inhumane.
She explains things so well! I love the tips and the insight. It’s really great for starting down this path.
Great video about how to take care of your body and a way to learn more from a Doctor who is helping the world gain this knowledge.
I love this interview. This man brings up a lot of great points and advice. My favorite quote is that anyone can change their taste buds. Also, I am super impressed how long he has been working and how great of shape he is in. Fantastic evidence.

Full length Calorie Density: How to eat more, weigh less and live longer. A video about people back in the day vs now. Great concepts and information.

5.) Blue Zone: I think these Blue Zone videos have a lot to offer. Five regions of the world are living longer because of their food choices. Watch interviews with people living in these places here:

6.) Spiritual Part of the commitment to change my diet came from spiritual impressions that I had. I regularly attend a church that discusses many different teachings in the Bible and other books. I found that the health guidelines of avoiding meat were taught early on. If you are interesting in seeing a few scriptures and some quotes then click on this link.

Well these are the resources that have helped me to gain knowledge and desire to change my lifestyle. I hope that they can help you to continue your quest to come to the plant side.

Tell me some of your favorite resources,


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About the author

Chantel H